Today was the last day. Mrs. Stewart gave me a really sweet poster and candy signed by all the students. I took pictures of all their work throughout the time I taught, and the students were excited to have their work published online, and they all wrote down the website. This was such a great experience that really gave me a taste for teaching. I learned a lot from Mrs. Stewart about classroom management, and I hope they students want to continue doing art after their experiences with me.
Today we glazed the gargoyles they made. It was pretty easy and not as messy as the clay was, thankfully. There were a few things we had to repeat over and over to the kids, like that the color will not be the same when we fire the ceramic pieces as it looked in the jars. Mrs. Stewart put the glazes and pieces on paper plates, which made clean-up a lot easier. We had stations of color so that they could move around and get the colors of their choice. We also had them only use one brush per color so we don't ruin the glazes. There were some students that were gone, so we put clear glaze over theirs. Mrs. Stewart and the teacher that is a ceramicist at the school are going to fire them, and then I will come on Friday to take pictures of all their work.

Today we started our ceramic gargoyle project. I first had the students write down a fear they had, and then they made a gargoyle that would scare that fear away. We started off by making two pinch pots, and using slipping and scoring, we connected them to make a hollow oval shape. The students then connected pieces and carved into the clay to make their desired shapes and forms. Mrs. Stewart and I emphasized that they had to slip and score each piece they connect, and to keep the clay between 1/4 and 1/2 inches thick. They needed to be told that over and over again. Mrs. Stewart arranged to get the clay from the district and then had a teacher who was knowledgeable about ceramics fire the pieces. She helped a ton with this project, and it was great to feel like we were really collaborating.